Jan 4, 2022

Resolutions of 2022

 It's new year resolutions for the first time in 10 years. Here is previous one.

Before to set resolutions, I would like to look back 2021. Every year I have 2 major goals, losing my weight and reading a book/month. Yes, I missed them every year. That's why I have them every time. But the miracle ocurred in 2021. I lost 12Kg, lost 18kg but the weight is recovering. And I read 17 books. Working From Home made it!

I would like to upgrade my resolutions like below.

1. Touch 69.9Kg and Keep the weight under 72Kg. Must loose 15.4Kg from Jan. 4th 2022

2. Write a book review post per month.

3. Make strong body that I can work for 24 hours without the break.

4. Be an expert of "Automation".

5. Make a fun a week.

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